If you are looking for What is digital marketing then your search ends here. Nowadays the below methods are taking a remarkable place in our advanced technology. These all are part of Digital Marketing.
1.Search engine optimization (SEO),
2.Search media marketing (SEM),
3.Content Automation,
4.Influencer marketing,
5.Content Marketing,
6.Data-Driven Marketing,
7.E-commerce Marketing,
8.Social Media Marketing,
9.Campaign Marketing,
10.E-mail Direct Marketing,
11.Display Advertisement,
13.Optical disks,
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the marketing of any product, service, or brand via one or more forms of electronic media. These are the internet, mobile phones, display advertising, and other digital medium.
There are two types of Digital Marketing Pull marketing and Push marketing.
1. Pull Marketing
Pull marketing is the marketing strategy to draw customers to a brand through marketing tactics like search engine optimization (SEO) and other methods. The main goal is to increase the consumer’s awareness of the brand and products. Some common pull marketing examples are websites and other internet-based mediums.
Inbound marketing is also known as pull marketing. Although this means of digital advertising is not as easy to personalize or track. It is still effective and powerful nonetheless. Inbound marketing can prove an important tool in the constant holding of existing customers. By establishing more regular communications with those customers and allowing companies to interact with customers by providing information, education, and awareness content as well as product promotions.
To explain it better here is an example, companies that market insurance can educate buyers on the home-owning experience as well as attempt to sell various forms of insurance. The advantage and disadvantages of the pull strategy go with one another. Additional steps involved here, for the potential customer. But, if they are occupied, there is a higher percentage chance that the potential customer will buy or opt-in.
2.Push Marketing
The promotional strategy supporting business efforts to their message ahead of their probable customers while not them having a need or interest to buy the product or learn more regarding its called Push Marketing. Push marketing uses to push marketing information directly to potential customers. The most common examples including SMS, email, and RSS targets the customer with a customized message.
Another name for push marketing is outbound marketing. It is easy to track, monitor, and measure the relative efficacy of marketing. The targeted benefits of push marketing are that it especially targets “warm prospects” or the people who are already on your list. It aims for your niche. , along with that, you can personalize the message. The difficulty of push marketing is that it reaches a lesser audience and usually takes more time, money, and effort to put together.
Digital marketing targets a particular section of the customer base and is interactive. Digital marketing is in progress and includes search result advertisements, email advertisements, and other promoted tweets. Something that combines marketing with customer feedback or a two-way interaction between the company and client.
A key digital marketing objective is engaging customers and permitting them to move with the brand through servicing and delivery of digital media. This can achieve by planning digital media in the way that it needs some sort of user action to look at or receive the motive behind that media’s creation. As an example, to receive a free e-book, a client could be needed to register or fill out a type, benefiting the advertiser with a valuable customer or lead.